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asked January 23rd 2018

tunnel / hole through cake

Does anyone know how to make a cake that has a hole going through from one side of tier to the other – so that you can see right through it – or place something in the resulting ‘tunnel’? Not sure what the proper name for them is and can’t seem to find anything when i google it!


Does anyone know how to make a cake that has a hole going through from one side of tier to the other – so that you can see right through it – or place something in the resulting ‘tunnel’? Not sure what the proper name for them is and can’t seem to find anything when i google it!


That cake dummy looks ideal. I saw the theme the tank cake but wanted a bigger hole. Thanks for your help.


Hi smphilippa

You would need to construct an internal support to prevent the top of the cake collapsing once the tunnel is created. The following blog post shows how to carve out the tunnel.

However, it doesn’t explain properly exactly where to dowel to support the top tier. You’d need to make sure sufficient space is given for the dowels to remain sturdy without the possility of collapse.

Alternatively you could use an arched out cake dummy like this:

Hope this helps 🙂


You’re welcome and good luck with your project 🙂

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