Paul’s stories: lost in the bush

Australia is full of kangaroos, right? Well during our time in Australia, I felt pretty unsatisfied with the number of kangaroos I’d actually seen. So I decided to go looking for them.

We were staying in Braemar, an hour or so outside Sydney, and David had decided to go for a run. I had the bright idea of combining a nice healthy walk with some kangaroo hunting. So off I headed, into the bush… alone.

After 30 minutes of gazing merrily into the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of a koala at the very least, I suddenly realised: I was lost. Completely and utterly lost.

Next thing, the strangest noise started coming from the bush. It was the call of the kookaburra, and if you’ve never heard it – imagine a little goblin laughing.

Through my panic, I experienced a sudden moment of clarity. I had been using the Map My Run app on my phone and I could use it to simply follow my route back to where we’d left the car.

As I started to walk back I heard a rustling in the bushes beside me, followed by a THUMP THUMP THUMP. I realised I’d found my kangaroo. Except it was a red kangaroo – the biggest and, some might say, most aggressive of all the kangroos. And it was doing the THUMP THUMP THUMP to say one thing – GO AWAY! The bush all around me seemed alive, and I thought of all the spiders and snakes wriggling around me. All I could think was I want to be back home in Scotland.

Finally I stumbled back upon a 4×4 track I recognised. I followed it all the way back, but somehow came to a river. There were stepping stones across, and I knew if I got to the other side I’d easily find my way to the car. So I pushed the thought of crocodiles to the back of my mind and hopped across, finally returning back to safety!

So what’s the moral of the story? Never, ever go into the bush alone!!!! Px

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